Current Team Members
Carsten Horn
PhD student
Noah Münster
PhD student
Sara Ortega
PhD student
Livia Regen
PhD student
Anastasia Nesbitt
PhD student
Visitors and Affiliated Team Members

Matthew Kearnes
Professor of Environment and Society and Deputy Head of School (Research), School of Humanities and Languages, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
9-10 December, 2024
Internal INNORES workshop (No 5), speficially focusing on methodological approaches to the different dimensions of innovation residues and on microplastics.
Matthew also delivered a public STS lecture
Critical Circularity – (re)configuring repair and reuse (10 December 2024)

Mike Michael
Sociologist of science and technology, and a Professor of Sociology at the University of Exeter, UK
14-16 October, 2024
Internal workshop (No 4)presenting and discussing the different approaches in the INNORES project. Speficially working on methodological approaches to the different dimensions of the innovation residues.
Mike also delivered a public STS lecture
Inventive problems and speculative things: What can (an ontologised) aesthetics offer STS and PEST, (and vice versa)? (15 October 2024)

Nicole Dewandre
Independent researcher and visiting professor at the Collège of Europe in Bruge, BE. She retired from the European Commission in April 2024, after 40 years.
24-26 June, 2024
Internal workshop (No 3) presenting and discussing the different approaches in the INNORES project. Speficially we will be working on the European policy dimensions of the innovation residues.
Nicole also delivers a public lecture
There is nothing less innovative than a speech on innovation. The STS paradox of EU R&I policy (25 June 2024)

Brice Laurent
Centre de Sociologie de l’Innovation in Paris and Director of the Social Sciences, Economics & Society Department of the French National Agency for Environmental, Food and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES)
15-17 April, 2024
Internal workshop (No 2) presenting and discussing the different approaches in the INNORES project. Speficially we elaborated on the European dimensions of innovation residues.
Brice also delivered a public lecture
A democratic transition? Understanding constitutional fragility in times of crisis (15 April 2024)

Stefan Böschen
Holder of the Chair of “Technology and Society” at the Human Technology Center at RWTH Aachen University & Director of the Käte Hamburger International Center „Research Cultures“
11-13 December 2023
Internal workshop (No 1) presenting the INNORES project and discussing the different facets of the empirical sites we started to work on.
Stefan also delivered a public lecture
Engineering Turn? Transformations within cultures of research as challenge for science studies, (13 December 2023)
Former team members

Matteo Vivi
University of Vienna, PhD researcher
During his stay Matteo did research in the INNORES project on the Irish case in relation to nuclear residues.

Dominik Tkalcic
RWTH Aachen, Research Assistant
During his stay Dominik supported the INNORES project through background research on environmental impact calculations of data practices.